
  • Automatic Stamping Line

    Automatic Stamping Line

  • Automatic Welding Line

    Automatic Welding Line

  • coating line

    coating line

  • Assembly line

    Assembly line

  • Technology Center

    Technology Center

  • CNC Machining Center

    CNC Machining Center


There are 96 employees in the technology center, including 3 graduates with master's degree and 65 people with junior college degree, accounting for 68% people with senior technical title < EM > 3 people with intermediate technical title 32 people, junior technical title 10 people with vocational skill level above 18 people with Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Wuhan University of Technology. Hubei University of Technology and other scientific research institutes have established long-term and stable cooperative relations. In 2009, Huazhong University of Science and Technology awarded member units of University-Enterprise cooperation, and long-term hired professors from colleges and universities inside and outside the province as technical consultants to carry out technical exchanges.